Apply what you have already learned in the feel stage—learning by doing. Food is about finding practical and relevant products and/or services for your gestational stage or your child’s age. From online courses and 1-on-1 consultations to baby food, feeding accessories, and many many more!

Tiny Roo

Online Store for Tableware Solutions | Kayla | Mompreneur 

Our products aren’t just beautiful, but they will also last a long time and above all else they are practical! They are perfect for both, BLW and the traditional pureé method.

From the UK

Stylish Silicone Tableware

Focus: Baby led weaning, Montessori.

Products: Weaning tableware solutions.

Target group: 6 m – 3 yo.

Keywords: Baby led, blw, weaning, weaning essentials, baby spoon, baby cup, baby plate, baby bib, baby bowl, sustainable living.

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