Juliana Morelli Bell

Mom & Registered Pediatric Dietitian

Juliana is the right person to help your baby or toddler develop a healthy relationship with food without stress. She is a registered dietitian for babies and toddlers, expert in baby led weaning and picky eating. She is also mother of two girls, who by the way eat completely different from each other! And last but not least, she helps parents promote learning skills using positiv comunication and food presentation strategies—she is a parent educator in the positive discipline.


Registered dietitian, professional Baby-Led Weaning and complementary food consultant with extensive professional experience in food learning, picky eating and tube weaning, child development with base on evolutionary psychology, anthropology and neuroscience. Certified as a positive discipline parent educator in the USA and member of the Brazilian “Parent Empowerment Program at Mealtime” based on the Theory-U of Otto Scharmer. 

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